Important Parent Information
Is Sunshine Learning Center a preschool or a daycare?
We gladly offer both. We offer infant care, toddler care, and full or half-day preschool and pre-kindergarten programs that include child care.
Why are your rates more affordable than other centers?
Because we are a family owned and operated business, and not a franchise or large corporation. We do not have franchise fees and other corporate costs that may make it necessary for other centers to charge higher tuition rates. At Sunshine Learning Center we believe that quality preschool and child care can still be affordable.
Do you have a security system?
Yes. Our main building is equipped with a keyless entry system which requires every person entering the building to have a personalized access code. Visitors are given access only upon approval from the office.
What are your hours of operation?
We are open Monday through Friday 5:45 a.m. -6:00 p.m.
How long have you been in business?
Sunshine Learning Center has been locally owned and operated for 35 years.
What types of food do you serve?
We offer a 5-week rotating menu that offers nutritionally balanced, home-cooked lunches. We also provide a morning snack and an afternoon snack for each child. Parents are always welcome to join their child for lunch.
Do you serve breakfast?
Yes we do. Our breakfast is served between 6:45 a.m. and 7:15 a.m.
Do you offer naps for the children?
Yes. Children have a rest period from 12:30-2:30 p.m. We provide all children with a cot and blankets for rest time. You are welcome to bring a blanket from home for your child.
How will a Christian environment impact my child?
Sunshine Learning Center is dedicated to teaching children the very basics about God, Jesus, and the Bible. We are non-denominational in our approach.
The children say a prayer before meals and snacks and we use simple stories, songs, and rhymes to convey basic Christian principles.
Are there other Sunshine Learning Center locations in Colorado Springs?
Though there may be centers with similar names, our one and only location is on York Road.
Learn about what others have to say about us, check out our Testimonials.
Your child’s educational, physical, emotional and social development will be nurtured in a well-planned program. Feel free to observe our program regularly with regard to your child's health and safety, equipment and play materials, and staff.
Sunshine Learning Center strives to provide quality early childhood education in an atmosphere full of love and care. We encourage daily communications with your child’s teacher who is always available for scheduled conferences.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child or the Center please talk with your child’s teacher. However, if you feel that you need further information, please speak with our director.
Sunshine Learning Center is licensed by the Colorado Department of Human Services for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. The license indicates that our program has met the standards for the operation of a childcare facility. If you wish to see the license, it is available for review in the entry way.
Because we want to maintain our Open Door Policy, we encourage parents to come observe and visit. Parent input is always welcome, and we sincerely thank you for considering Sunshine Learning Center to care for your child.
Our purpose is to create a non-denominational Christian early education center. Our philosophy is to help every child develop a positive self-image, self-control, social skills, and appreciation for their individuality
- The Center will be open from 5:45a.m. to 6:30p.m. Unless previous arrangements have been made, a $1.00 charge per minute per child will be assessed for the time the child remains in the Center after 6:30p.m.
------ - The Center may be closed for the following major holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Should a holiday fall on the weekend the Center may close on Friday or Monday to observe the holiday. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve we will close early. Since these days are already taken into consideration in our rate schedule, there will be no reduction in tuition.
------ - Prior to your child's first day in the Center, you must deliver to the Director: (1) All enrollment forms completed and signed by parents; and (2) A current immunization record signed by a physician and dated no earlier than two weeks prior to your child's first day at the Center. You have thirty days from your start date to bring in your child's current physical.
------ - Each child must have two changes of clothing, including socks, left at the Center to be used for emergencies. Please label all items of clothing with your child’s name. Children must wear closed-toe shoes. Sandals and flip-flops are not allowed. Children should wear comfortable clothing that allows participation in activities. Sunshine cannot be responsible for lost clothing.
------ - A communication log is kept in the front entrance area. Please use this communications book to note changes in your child’s schedule, special pickup arrangements, etc.
------ - When enrolled you are given a code to enter the building. Please do not give this code out to anyone and do not allow people to follow you into the building. Visitors must ring the doorbell and the office will assist them.
------ - Parents are asked to see that children do not bring foods to the center. Please be sensitive to the fact that there may be children that have allergies and we do not want to expose them to foods brought in from outside. Breakfast is provided from 6:45-7:15 a.m. and snacks are provided morning and afternoon, plus a nutritious lunch each day. There is a weekly menu posted in the Center. Food exceptions cannot be made for individual children except in the case of diagnosed allergies. Any milk substitutes must be brought in the original container. Please note we are not a peanut free school.
------ - Parents are expected to bring their child into the building, sign in, and see that he/she is under supervision of his/her caregivers before leaving the premises. If you are going to be late or if your child will be absent, please call the Center no later than 9:00 a.m. This helps us in our staffing plan for the day. If we do not receive a call by 9:00, we may not have room for your child that day.
------ - Toys from home are not allowed at Sunshine (except on show and tell days). Sunshine is not responsible for lost items. Please do not allow your child to bring money to the Center.
------ - Children who become ill may not remain at the Center. The parents will be called to pick up the child within an hour after becoming ill. Illness is defined as: fever, diarrhea, vomiting, any type of unexplained rash, or general discomfort and irritability. If your child has been absent with a contagious illness, state law requires notification from a physician that your child is no longer contagious and may return to the Center.
------ - A child may not attend Sunshine if they have been given Tylenol or other fever-reducing medication within eight hours of his/her arrival.
------ - We will provide a cot and blankets for children twelve months and older for afternoon nap. You may bring a blanket from home. We ask that it not be any larger than 22”x 52”. You will need to take the blanket home Friday to be laundered and brought back to the center the following Monday. Blankets are to be used for naptime only. If blankets brought from home cause a disruption in the classroom you may be required to use the center blankets.
------ - We highly discourage parents from picking up or dropping off children between 12:00 and 2:30 pm. to prevent naptime disturbances.
------ - Routine visits to a doctor, clinic, or dentist are the responsibility of the parent. A physical is required by the Colorado Department of Social Services. Please use the forms available in the office.
------ - Sunshine makes every attempt to open during severe weather conditions. However, we may find it necessary to have a late start or close occasionally for snow days. During severe weather, announcements are made on local TV stations. In the event that Sunshine does need to close there will be no tuition adjustments.
------ - For your child’s safety, we can release children only to their parents or persons authorized by the parents. The names of authorized persons must be on file at Sunshine prior to release. We cannot release children to anyone unless we have written authorization in advance. The authorized person will need photo ID for us to release your child to them.
------ - Please check your child’s cubby daily for notes, soiled clothing, etc. If clothing is sent home, please replace it with clean clothes the next day.
------ - As children grow and develop independence, disruptions may occur. A disruption, such as taking toys or hitting, will be handled by using “time out.” This method is used by our caregivers to teach children how to get along with other children in a very gentle and acceptable way while also being effective to minimize disruptions. “Time out” lasts for one minute per year of age. Children who find it difficult to cooperate may be sent home and the Director will schedule a conference at the earliest convenience.
------ - If your child becomes overly aggressive (i.e. hitting, spitting, punching, biting, etc.) toward a teacher, or another child, you will be called to pick up your child within the hour. We make every effort to work with each child, and their parents, to correct consistently aggressive behavior. However, if the behavior is not corrected it may result in immediate disenrollment from Sunshine Learning Center.
------ - It is our policy to inform parents of injuries that occur to their child no matter how minor they may appear to be. Usually parents are notified by an incident report that is completed and placed in the child's file. Occasionally a parent may also be notified by phone. If an injury appears to need medical attention, the parent will be called immediately and a report will be filed with the Colorado Department of Human Services. In addition, the incident will be recorded in the office and a copy of the report will be placed in the child's file.
------ - Children go outside for playtime year round. Please remember to dress your child in the appropriate clothing for the weather. Cool clothes such as shorts and jackets during the warmer weather (no sandals) and during the colder weather coats, gloves, boots and hats. During the summer months outdoor playtime is limited to approximately one hour or less. The children have access to the drinking fountain when thirsty. Sunscreen is applied to the exposed areas each morning and afternoon that the children go outside during the summer. Winter months the children do not go outside if the temperature is below 32 degrees or during wet weather. During cold days, the amount of time spent outside will be adjusted. Children are immediately brought inside in the event of lightning.
------ - Field trips are usually scheduled in accordance with weekly themes for children in preschool and older. Parents will be notified either in a newsletter or by special note of upcoming trips. Teachers from your child's class will accompany them on the field trip and all teachers are responsible for the children during the field trip. The children's emergency cards, attendance sheets, and cell phones are taken in case of an emergency. If there is an emergency the teacher would call the center to speak to the director or call 911. Class ratios are maintained at all times. We always encourage parents to come and help out with their child's class. If you bring your child in late and miss the field trip, you will be required to take them home and you may return later that day or take your child to the place of the trip and turn them over to the teacher there. The children are transported by Sunshine vans or bus, which are equipped with seat belts. Children that find it difficult to obey the staff will not be allowed to participate. The Center was given permission at the time of enrollment for field trips. You are not required to give any further permission.
------ - Daily attendance is taken each morning. We perform “head counts” throughout the day. In the event a child was lost or otherwise unaccounted for the director would immediately be notified and a search for the child would be initiated. If a child is not found within five minutes the Director/Acting Director will call 911, then call the parents or authorized emergency contact.
------ - Sunshine does not consider video viewing a consistent part of our preschool program. Videos are limited to one per month. The exception to this may be during a bad weather day.
------ - Upon closing all rooms are checked for children and then closed out. If it is past closing time and a child has not been picked up, parents and emergency contacts will be called to pick the child up. If we do not hear from the parents and after waiting 30 minutes the center Director will be called. If the Director cannot be reached, the police will be called. The child will be released to the police or the Department of Human Services.
------ - In the event of a tornado, all the children must proceed to the interior wall. Everyone needs to sit facing the inside walls placing their hands over their faces and wait for further instructions.
------ - In the event of a fire, staff and children will exit the classroom, with Emergency Authorization Cares and Attendance sheets. The staff will immediately perform a headcount, check all bathrooms while the children are lining up at the door to exit the building. Once outside the children will line up against the playground fence. The staff will do a second head count to make sure all the children are present and safe. Fire drills and tornado drills are performed regularly.
------ - Sunshine only administers emergency medication such as epipen or doctor prescribed inhalers. If your child needs medication upon arrival at the center, please give it to the director. You may come by at any time to administer the medication. The medication will be stored in the office until you come to pick it up.
------ - Please do not send your child to school with any items marked “keep out of the reach of children”. This includes chap stick, lotions, and hand sanitizer. If your child needs to have one of these items at school we must have a written permission from you and the item must be labeled with your child's first and last name. Please give the item to your child's teacher to be placed out of the reach of the children.
Specific Policies for Infants & Toddlers
- Please supply all liquid and solid foods for you infant daily. Nursing mothers are encouraged to come and nurse their infant; just let the infant supervisor know when you will be coming to the Center and a nursing area will be provided. If your child is bottle fed, your infant will be held during their feeding times unless you specify that your infant wants to hold his/her own bottle. Please label with your child's name all bottles and solid foods that you send to the Center for your infant. To prevent choking cereal is not allowed in the bottles without written permission from the infant's physician due to medical ailment. Jar food and cereals must come in their original packaging. At the end of each day the staff will send home all food items regardless of amount. This will avoid spoilage and help with our daily feeding schedules. Please send bottles only with formula, breast milk, water, or diluted juice (no red liquids).
- When your infant first starts you will be asked to fill out a “getting to know your infant” form and a “special request” form. This will help our infant staff to better care for your child.
- We require a parent's note to apply over-the-counter diaper rash creams. Due to state regulation, we cannot apply over-the-counter diaper cream to severe rashes, broken, or blistered skin. This type of rash requires a doctor's note and prescription.
- Each infant will establish his/her own schedule while at Sunshine. Please help your child's caregivers by filling out a daily sheet on your infant provided by the Center.
- Please make sure your infant's clothes are washable, comfortable, and diaper -friendly.
- Our policy is to follow the state regulations on diaper changing. Our diaper changing procedures are above each changing table in the classrooms.
- We make every attempt to assist you in potty training. Please help us by providing at least half a dozen training pants and plastic pants at Sunshine at all times. While potty training, please refrain from using diapers, including pull-up style diapers. Please discuss with the director when you are ready to start. According to state regulations we cannot start potty training until the child is 18 months or older.
- Children in our toddler program are not allowed bottles, breast milk, pacifiers or toys from home.
- By signing you are giving Sunshine permission for your toddler to sleep on our cots.
- Children may be enrolled at the Center that are not fully immunized.
We Take You Child's Safety Seriously.
Give us a call today to learn more about our policies and procedures and to answer any lingering questions you may have. Or, take the plunge and schedule a tour with Sunshine Learning Center. We are a certified Colorado Springs day care center.